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Suchergebnisse 1-25 von 155
Bootstyp Jahr Länge (m) Leistung (PS) Preis (EUR)  Liegeplatz/OrtRef.
Dell Quay Dory 13  4,3253.190 DK89498
Spidsgatter  26,0263.351 DK89527
Kano/kajak 12342,8 87 DK83745
Riva Super Florida 19595,917579.000 IT81169
Peti 19599,8 6.703 DK89507
Storebro Havkrydser Havsörn 1 19649,42714.613 DK89663
Ejvind 20 Kutter-super Flot 19686,31613.138 DK89562
IF 19718,043.753 DK89717
Nimbus 33 197210,2208.352 DK89541
Bianca Queen 33 M/nyere Motor Flot 197310,05522.121 DK89456
LM 27 19738,33613.138 DK89561
Maxi 77 19747,7 4.692  89734
Maxi 77 19747,7 4.692  89735
Maxi 77 19747,7 4.692  89736
Catboat 22 SOM NY Overalt 19746,52133.517 DK89715
Allegro 33 197410,03527.820 SE89651
Albin Ballad 19749,2187.708 DK89624
Maxi 77 19747,7 4.692 DK89738
Laurin 31 19749,62311.395 DK89182
Maxi 77 19747,7 4.692  89737
Fjord27 19748,010614.747 DK89599
Finnsailer 29 19748,94812.334 DK89709
Storebro Solø 25 19757,510017.696 DK89610
Nidelv 24 19757,32311.932 DK82116
Scampi 30 19759,01513.393 DK89458