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Suchergebnisse 126-150 von 155
Bootstyp Jahr Länge (m) Leistung (PS) Preis (EUR)  Liegeplatz/OrtRef.
Safir 10 Meter 19789,8 5.630 DK89532
Saga 24 19777,22411.797 DK89232
Salona 41 201012,539144.000 NL89515
Scampi 30 19759,01513.393 DK89458
Scand 29 Baltic 19859,718030.567 DK89289
Scankap99 19839,91626.009 DK88721
Scanmar 33 198310,12530.165 DK89650
Scanmar 345 198810,52839.550 DK89687
Seafinn 411 198712,4 113.957 DK89492
Seafinn 411 198712,487113.957 DK89511
Searay 315 Sundancer 20059,531560.062 DK89729
See Ray 19947,525024.132 DK89633
Selva 20202,3 241 DK89448
Spidsgatter  26,0263.351 DK89527
Sportina 760 20058,11024.500 NL89125
Starlett 34 198010,313618.501 DK89501
Storebro 410 Commander 200412,0620239.981 NO89537
Storebro Havkrydser Havsörn 1 19649,42714.613 DK89663
Storebro Royal Cruiser 430 Baltic Super 199913,12234.350 DK89622
Storebro Solø 25 19757,510017.696 DK89610
Stålmotorbåd Hooveld 960 19789,66226.545 DK89692
Taga 96 19799,62921.450 DK88467
Tresfjord Nova M/for og Agterpropel 19869,416537.404 DK89724
Twostar 36 198511,01823.304 NO89731
Van der Stadt 197811,34826.679 DK82360