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Suchergebnisse 1-25 von 34
Bootstyp Jahr Länge (m) Leistung (PS) Preis (EUR)  Liegeplatz/OrtRef.
Albin Cirrus (nye Sejl) 19797,8139.719 DK89733
Albin Cumulus 19818,6129.652 DK89389
Albin Express 198007,7 3.377  89641
Bandholm 24 19767,343.351 DK89465
Bandholm27 19848,2109.183 DK89553
Banner26 19797,8 469 DK89704
Catboat 22 SOM NY Overalt 19746,52133.517 DK89715
Comet701 19837,091.500 NL89586
Delphia 29 20058,61944.500 NL89124
Drabant 27 19828,31316.088 DK89660
Etap 28 19818,41314.900 DE89583
Etap 28i 19898,61618.635 DK89659
Etap 30i 19989,02035.000 DE89674
Granada 27 19788,37,516.500 DE89110
Granada 31 19789,02918.099 DK89490
Hallberg Rassy 29 Scandinavia 19878,91834.723 DK89686
Hunter Sonata 7 19787,067.000 DE89521
IF 19718,043.753 DK89717
Impala 27 19858,3810.272 SE89508
Impala Optimus 24 19757,366.971 DK88651
Jeanneau Aquila 29 M/nyere Motor 19768,71813.138 DK89611
Junker 24 19807,274.022 DK89714
L 29 19798,91212.736 DK87892
Laurin 28 19768,3204.692 DK89474
LM Mermaid 270 Flot 19858,91813.272 DK89494