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Results 1-25 of 164
Boat type Year Length (m) Power (Hp) Price (GBP)  LocatedRef.
Maxim 26 19828.0 20,678 SE89887
Mamba 31 19849.9 5,027 DK89883
Kano/kajak 12342.8 72 DK83745
Monark 690 19786.9 5,001 SE89434
Vindø 30 19839.1 9,832 DK89235
Møn 830 19858.3 13,966 DK89236
Peti 19599.8 5,586 DK89507
Bandholm 24 197179.0 2,234 DK89912
Starlet 34 19859.8 9,497 DK89855
Forbina 9000 198910.0 33,971 SE89775
Princess 45 Velholdt Luksusbåd 200513.92245,589 DK89875
Sea Ray 375 Sundancer Flot 200611.72111,509 DK89837
Storebro Royal Cruiser 430 Baltic Super 199913.12184,136 DK89622
Jupiter 33 M/flybridge 198110.1238,883 DK89685
Princess 380 Hysterisk Velholdt OG Passe 199311.6289,163 DK89976
Storebro Royal Cruiser 31 Biscay M/nye M 19809.3241,899 DK89853
Bayliner 3288 Flybridge Flot Stand 19889.8241,899 DK88984
Carver 3207 aft Cabin 19909.8240,223 DK90002
Bandholm 24 19767.342,793 DK89465
Impala Optimus 24 19757.365,810 DK88651
Bandholm 24 19727.362,569 DK89868
Spækhugger Family 19787.465,530 DK89934
Hunter Sonata 7 19787.065,834 DE89521
Impala 27 19858.388,862 SE89508
Comet701 19837.091,250 NL89586
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