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Results 1-25 of 164
Boat type Year Length (m) Power (Hp) Price (GBP)  LocatedRef.
Kano/kajak 12342.8 72 DK83745
Crescent 410 Styrepult Crescent 410 Styr 20004.1153,631 DK89392
Dell Quay Dory 13  4.3252,659 DK89498
Riva Super Florida 19595.917565,848 IT81169
Svendborg Senior 19796.0412,122 DK89880
Silver Eagle 650 WA 20116.520022,081 SE89757
Catboat 22 SOM NY Overalt 19746.52127,933 DK89715
Monark 690 19786.9 5,001 SE89434
Bella 655 20056.917022,123 DK90041
Hunter Sonata 7 19787.065,834 DE89521
Beneteau Antares 710 20037.015029,944 DK89905
Comet701 19837.091,250 NL89586
Impala Optimus 24 19757.365,810 DK88651
Nidelv 24 19757.3239,944 DK82116
Bandholm 24 19727.362,569 DK89868
Bandholm 24 19767.342,793 DK89465
Spækhugger Family 19787.465,530 DK89934
See Ray 19947.525017,318 DK89633
Coronet 26 Family 19757.73307,385 SE89661
Albin Cirua78 19797.8135,586 DK89864
Albin Cumulus 19768.0124,469 DK89862
Maxim 26 19828.0 20,678 SE89887
Fjord27 19748.010612,290 DK89599
Luna 26 M/nyere Motor og Bovpropel 19758.0389,944 DK89999
Delphia Nano 20138.19932,924 NL89347
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